Historic Discovery

As a long-established design house for display applications, LCD-Mikroelektronik can draw on decades of experience. Our founder experimented with the first liquid crystals already in the seventies of the last century. Here are some finds from a long time ago:

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1. One of the first segment displays of LCD Mikroelektronik, which is probably more than 25 years old and has a green-yellow illumination. The display does not yet have its own display driver.

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2. On this display the chip was turned by 180° and installed upside-down and has its own gap in the printed circuit board to reduce the overall height. For correct positioning, the display is fixed by a lateral spring. The light guide sends the light from behind over both sides through a prism effect onto the display.

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3. Self-built display with silver wires and space for a total of 9 ICs on the two glasses.

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