Industrial applications

Challenging environmental conditions

Reference project

Fall protection for displays

Industrial displays are often used in harsh environments. Our customer's requirement was that the LCDs used should not break if dropped from a hand, as was the case with the product previously used. In such a scenario, it is important to consider not only the LCD, but also the entire customer product and to optimize the integration. We have succeeded in doing this by adapting the mounting and beveling the glass corners so that glass breakage no longer occurs.

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Solar radiation

UV resistance of passive LCDs

UV radiation has a life-shortening effect on various materials used in liquid crystal displays. The front polarizers of LCDs, which are directly exposed to UV light, are always severely affected. Although there are special UV-suitable polarizers, these are also attacked over time by continuous UV radiation. A suitable cover or UV protection is therefore important when planning devices that are permanently exposed to sunlight. In addition to the polarizers, the UV light also affects other materials in the LCD cell and the combination of high temperature and radiation can result in unsightly burn-in effects. From a large number of corresponding projects, we can now offer you an ideally coordinated combination of materials and software that is able to prevent UV damage.

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LCD Microelectronics Ice crystals2
Outdoor applications

Wide temperature ranges

The usual temperature ranges for LCDs and TFTs are -20-70°C for operational use. Not enough for many industrial applications that are used outdoors worldwide. By using special materials, other temperature ranges can also be realized in the industrial sector. However, it is important to note that the switching times become significantly longer at low temperatures.

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