Customized displays - the right technology for every product

Questions? Contact us!

Do you have questions about feasibility or other topics? Then contact us directly! You can reach us by phone or use our project inquiry form!

+49 (0)7243-76888-0

LCD Microelectronics Steelhammer Young Female Blue and White Work Coat is Using Plie 83883e61 63e3 4fbc 84cf 8407d57ccbb8 edit

Customer projects





Customized displays

From the idea to series production - tailor-made!

As a design house and system provider for display solutions, especially for use in industry and medical technology, we take a holistic view of your product. Enhance the customer experience through optimal integration and a successful design with a customized display. We accompany you through the entire life cycle, from the idea and design through to the series product and obsolescence management.

System integration

From individual displays to complete operating solutions

We support you in product design beyond the display. If required, we can develop your display including housing, touch, board and cover glass, fully assembled and equipped with software and GUI. We are also happy to take over the complete product production for you.


Years experience

LCD Microelectronics Steelhammer A table filled with electronics props for touch dis 5cfa0d27 9c38 4b8c b427 561239b71e27 edit
LCD Microelectronics DFF Logo
LCD microelectronics logo proba V5 Rau 01.2024 scaled
LCD Microelectronics TUEV seal
LCD Microelectronics ISO 14001 color single
Success Stories

"We give your product a face."


Sensor integration and touch optimization

Medical technology

Modern design and easy cleaning


Challenging environmental conditions

Are you looking for a suitable display solution?

Our company

Design and engineering "Made in Germany"

Back in the 1970s, we developed liquid crystal displays and manufactured small series in our own laboratory. The realization of customer-specific projects was already a focus of our company back then. We still operate our own in-house module production today.

Customized solutions

The display is your product's business card. That's why every display is customized and designed exactly for the intended purpose.

Personal contact person

The same contact partners will accompany you throughout the process of creating your dream display. You also have direct contact for technical questions.

Support guarantee

We remain at your side even after series production is ready. If modifications or discontinuations are necessary, we will support you with equivalent alternatives. Guaranteed!

"LCD Mikroelektronik GmbH is characterized by a high degree of flexibility and reliability.We have been particularly impressed by their personal support in the area of software development and the design of assemblies since 2006, which is why we will continue to rely on LCD solutions in our product groups in the future."

Managing Director

Heater construction

Latest news articles

Image Sticking
LCD Microelectronics RS075 5 scaled
Procurement situation LCDs
Displays request

We find the ideal display for your application

Do you have questions about feasibility or other topics? Then contact us directly!

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